Saturday, February 7, 2009


I am writing from an internet cafe in Esteli, a beautiful, granola-eating (sort of) mountain town about 2 hours from Managua. A few of the other girls and I decided to take advantage of our first full weekend and escape the crazy city for a little peace. we definitely found it here!

Today we ate breakfast at this awesome little cafe hidden behind a big wall, with a huge empty pool in the middle and tons of flowers, and refrescos SIN azucar! que magical! Then we trekked around the city for a while. Along with granola, this city is famopus for alternative medicine, cigars, cowboys, and murals. I know, it is a strange combination, but that is Nicaragua for you! We ate lunch at this AMAZING little place outside the city named casitas, where there is hummus and fresh baked whole grain bread and a beautiful, meandering walk through flowers, herbal gardens and a little park. I think tonight we´re going to eat at a soy reatuarant! I know, can you believe I am in Nicaragua?

I haven´t written yet about classes or my homestay or La Maximo... there is so much to say! First of all, I think I was placed with one of the wealthiest families in La Maximo. They have a water tank, so we have running water all day long! I can take showers at night! I also live upstairs, which is practially unheard of. It is nice becuase it is a little more quiet, so it´s easier to sleep in (until 6:45... the rest of the family gets up at least an hour earlier!). They run a puleria out of their front porch, selling things like rum and soda and snacks. I live with my mom, Doña Olga, her two grown sons, Ivan (37) and Aldo (26), and her neice, Oleyla (16).

Okay, we´re going to go find some dinner, so next entry I will explain a little more about daily life.

Love to all!

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